Defined benefit pension wind-up

Christine  Cumming

Key Contact

Christine Cumming, Partner & Head of Buy-out and Wind-up Transition Services

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For many DB pension schemes, the end of the journey is in sight, with the next step being to secure all members’ benefits and wind up the scheme.

Wind-up is a complex process, and a new experience for most trustees and many pension managers. Our specialists are here to help. 

Guiding you through the complexities

A wind-up involves a myriad of stakeholders, each with different needs and objectives. Our approach is to appoint an experienced wind up specialist to lead the complex transition, drawing on our wider expertise and a scheme’s other advisers as required.

The benefits of our approach are:

  • Ensuring the wind-up is given the dedicated time and attention it needs.
  • Managing and supporting each stakeholder efficiently and effectively, keeping the trustees/client informed throughout every stage of the process.
  • Providing a depth of expert knowledge and experience necessary to manage the complex transition and ensure the right benefits are paid to the right people at the right time.

Wind-Up Readiness Tool

Try our wind-up readiness tool now!

In just 5 simple steps, our wind-up readiness tool can broadly tell you how close you are to reaching your ultimate long term objective and what the key considerations might be over the coming years for your scheme’s circumstances.

Get started

Right benefits, right people, right way

While technical expertise is required, that alone isn’t enough. The trustees’ knowledge and understanding of their scheme is crucial is ensuring the right benefits are secured for the right people and communicated in the right way.

Our approach draws on the trustees’ existing scheme knowledge and supplements this with our team of specialists, who have the wide-ranging experience and technical knowledge required to ensure all stages in the wind-up process are covered:

  1. Planning, governance and communications – provide upfront clarity of costs, timescales and member communications strategy, and carry out surplus or deficit assessment.
  2. Data cleanse – review and cleanse existing data, complete GMP reconciliation and equalisation.
  3. Member options – decide whether to offer members choice, e.g. transfers or winding lump sums.
  4. Securing benefits – review and select an insurer, transfer assets and complete buy-out smoothly and at the best price.
  5. Completing the wind-up – agree when to trigger wind-up, inform stakeholders, complete final accounts, issue statutory notices etc and complete the process. 

"The contribution [of Hymans Robertson’s wind up specialist] over the time they have taken the ‘driving seat’ has been absolutely outstanding. The attention to detail, pragmatism and management of issues, with the various disparate stakeholders, surrounding the complexities of the scheme, has been most impressive."

Innovative digital solutions

Our advice is underpinned by innovative technology and digital expertise. Adapting to an ever more digital world, we have over 200 digital experts ranging from data scientists, modellers, technical architects, developers to UX designers, all dedicated to creating transformative digital solutions.  

Our digital first approach makes sure we’re harnessing the latest technologies and agile delivery to meet your needs. Powered by the latest cloud technology, our tools and solutions are best in class, and continually updated to keep up with the latest digital developments. 

Our digital solutions evolve all the time. If you have a business challenge you need help with or if you would simply like to talk to one of our experts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  

Why not explore?

Risk Transfer Report 2024

Our eight annual Risk Transfer Report gives comprehensive analysis of the pensions bulk annuity market. Our expert team explore the key market changes and look at what these could mean for you.

Are you wind up ready?

In just 5 simple steps, our wind up readiness tool can tell you broadly how far along the road to buy-out you are, and what actions you might like to consider next.

Working with us

You will benefit from:

  • Better outcomes – Secure your members’ benefits while controlling costs and managing risks – a win:win for all parties.
  • Greater confidence – benefit from our specialist wind-up expertise together with a broad range of other experts, giving you confidence at every stage of the wind-up.
  • A human touch – we’ll keep all parties well informed, particularly members, and reassured throughout.

Get in touch

If you would like to find out more please don't hesitate to contact Christine.

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