

With-profits market developments - a consumer perspective

15 Oct 2024 - Estimated reading time: 15 minutes

Our latest consumer research found that when asked to select the top three product features they value, participants most commonly chose guarantees, potential for long-term growth and smoothed returns. Could we see a resurgence in with-profits product features and what opportunities are there for insurers to apply these in new ways?

Download our report below, which combines insights from the consumer survey and our in-depth knowledge of the with-profits industry to explore:

  • Which product features matter most to insurance customers?
  • Why have with-profits customers chosen their product?
  • How do with-profits customers want to engage with changes that impact their policy?
  • What opportunities are there for firms to innovate in this space?

We hope you find our report insightful. If you have any questions about any of the subject matter covered, or would like to find out how our dedicated team of life insurance consultants can help you, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Download our report

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