

Investment Perspectives - August 2024

12 Sep 2024

Over the last quarter, the market’s focus has shifted from mild concerns over inflation to worries about an economic slowdown in the US. Volatility made a reappearance in early August, causing unease for investors, when the VIX index climbed to levels last seen during the pandemic. As ever, pockets of volatility are hard to predict, and our response is to look past short-term market movements to focus on building a resilient portfolio.

In this edition of Investment Perspectives, we’ve curated a range of topical articles to share our latest thinking and bring a practical application to your scheme, including: 

  • Concentration in US equities – what does it mean for your portfolio?
  • Quantifying your scheme’s exposure to nature
  • Spotlight on real estate and responsible investment
  • Capital markets update

Read our full publication

If you would like to discuss anything in more detail, or if you have any questions, please get in touch


This communication has been compiled by Hymans Robertson LLP® (HR) as a general information summary and is based on its understanding of events as at the date of publication, which may be subject to change. It is not to be relied upon for investment or financial decisions and is not a substitute for professional advice (including for legal, investment or tax advice) on specific circumstances. HR accepts no liability for errors or omissions or reliance on any statement or opinion. Where we have relied upon data provided by third parties, reasonable care has been taken to assess its accuracy however we provide no guarantee and accept no liability in respect of any errors made by any third party. Hymans Robertson LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales with registered number OC310282. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities. © Hymans Robertson LLP 2023. All rights reserved.

General Investment Risk Warning

Please note the value of investments, and income from them, may fall as well as rise. This includes but is not limited to equities, government or corporate bonds, derivatives and property, whether held directly or in a pooled or collective investment vehicle. Further, investments in developing or emerging markets may be more volatile and less marketable than in mature markets. Exchange rates may also affect the value of investments. As a result, an investor may not get back the full amount of the original investment. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance.

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