Press Releases

ONS Consumer Price Inflation update 22 May 2024

Commenting on the ONS Consumer Price Inflation update, Chris Arcari, Head of Capital Markets, Hymans Robertson, said:

“Headline inflation fell to 2.3% year-on-year in April 2024, from 3.2% in March, but by less than expected (the BoE and economists had expected inflation to fall to 2.1%). We still expect headline inflation to fall close to, or even below, target in the coming months, as energy prices and goods and food price disinflation weigh on the year-on-year comparison. However, we expect the Bank of England to pay close attention to core and service-sector inflation, as a better guide to underlying inflation pressures...

Value in a strategic pause ahead of endgame decisions 16 May 2024

The need for DB schemes to think carefully before deciding on their insurance endgame options has never been more pertinent, states Hymans Robertson as the firm releases the latest update to their ‘Excellence in Endgames’ insights hub.

Interest rate hold from the Bank of England 09 May 2024

Commenting on the interest rate hold from the Bank of England, William Marshall, Chief Investment Officer – Hymans Robertson Investment Services (HRIS) says:

“The Bank of England looks to be edging closer towards its first interest rate cut of this cycle – albeit this meeting was seen as too soon. Some of the recent key drivers of inflation, like energy and food, have all but disappeared. Only the services sector is contributing meaningfully to inflation, which is why the BoE remains so focused on wages as one of the key inputs into services inflation...

Cost of running a small DB pension scheme is four times the cost of running a large scheme 30 Apr 2024

The cost of running a small DB pension scheme is four times the cost of running a large scheme, according to the latest analysis from Hymans Robertson. The leading pensions and financial services consultancy has highlighted this stark difference in costs as one of the key considerations for trustees and sponsors, when thinking about running on the scheme instead of undertaking buy-out with an insurer. It believes, therefore, that trustees and sponsors of schemes smaller than £250m are unlikely to run on for purely economic reasons. The analysis has been published in Hymans Robertson’s Excellence in Endgames insights hub, launched last month to help schemes find their way through the maze of endgames options.

TPR’s 2024 annual funding statement 24 Apr 2024

Commenting on TPR’s 2024 annual funding statement published today, Laura McLaren, Head of DB Actuarial Consulting, Hymans Robertson, said:

“With DB funding holding strong and a new funding code coming later this year, it’s not a surprise to see this year’s statement significantly scaled back.

“Whereas past statements have centred on repairing deficits, fewer schemes remain in those regulatory crosshairs. Therefore, most of the statement is about encouraging trustees to develop endgame strategies. The content echoes the shift in schemes starting to think beyond being funded on a solvency basis – as we’ve also seen reflected in the recent ‘options for DB’ consultations.

Buy-in and buy-out volumes reach £28bn in second half of 2023 23 Apr 2024
  • The value of transactions at £28bn was an increase by three-quarters compared to the £16.08bn of transactions in the second half of 2022
  • The value was a 32% increase on the £21.2bn of transactions in the first half of 2023
  • £49.1bn in total for the year to 31 December 2023, an all-time high for both the number and the value of transactions.
DWP Options for DB Schemes Consultation 17 Apr 2024

Commenting on the DWP Options for DB Schemes Consultation’s proposals and questions around sharing DB surplus, Calum Cooper, Head of Pension Policy Innovation, Hymans Robertson, says: 

“The spirit and intent of this consultation - to make it easier to share surplus for the benefit not only of members, but of all DB stakeholders - is welcome. This is a once in a generation opportunity for DB schemes to make decisions that will have a material impact on both stakeholders and members. It will also have an impact on the direction of pensions in the UK for many years to come. The swift rise of scheme surpluses and proven alternative endgames have transformed defined benefit security, and more schemes will run on if they could share surplus more easily. However, it is important that schemes are encouraged and enabled to manage surpluses with long-term sustainability in mind. There must be mutual consent between trustees and sponsors to enable a carefully managed surplus to create value responsibly and sustainably for both parties...

ONS CPI figures 16 Apr 2024

Commenting ahead of tomorrow’s ONS CPI figures, Chris Arcari, Head of Capital Markets, Hymans Robertson, said:

“UK headline CPI inflation is expected to have declined to 3.1% year-on-year in March. Indeed, falling energy prices and the impact of the UK’s energy price cap means headline CPI inflation is expected to fall below target in the coming months, but sticky services and wage inflation still highlight elevated underlying price pressures.

Response to TPR Statement of Strategy consultation 15 Apr 2024

Commenting in response to TPR’s statement of strategy consultationLaura McLaren, Head of DB Actuarial Consulting, Hymans Robertson, said:

“We’re glad to see TPR publish detailed guidance for the statement of strategy, but we’re concerned that completing the template as proposed will create a lot of extra work. We estimate a typical scheme could add 20% to its valuation costs as a result...

‘Excellence in Endgames’ hub launched to empower DB schemes to find way through maze of endgame options 09 Apr 2024

Hymans Robertson has launched a new ‘Excellence in Endgames’ insights hub to help DB pension scheme trustees and sponsors find their way through the maze of emerging endgame options.

The newly launched hub includes a decision-making tree to help identify the optimal Plan A endgame in this new environment. It highlights that while buy-out will remain a Plan A for many DB schemes, for others alternatives such as managed run-off, alternative risk transfer and superfunds will be their Plan A.

The leading pensions and financial services consultancy also suggests that, while many schemes may have a Plan A in place for the endgame, few have a dynamic endgames strategy which considers an actionable Plan B. The decision-making tree is designed to cut through complexity, identify the right endgames strategy for a scheme, and help develop and execute a plan that puts member outcomes at its heart. 

Lifetime Allowance (LTA) abolition 08 Apr 2024

Commenting on the abolition of the Lifetime Allowance (LTA), Susan Waites, Partner, Hymans Robertson, said:

“Employers and Trustees should review the position of any employees or members expecting to retire in the next few weeks and offer support where necessary. This support is particularly important for those impacted by HMRC’s last-minute advice that some members should delay payment of certain benefits because of errors in the legislation.  

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Rowena Swatton
Rowena Swatton
Stephanie Stern
Stephanie Stern
Patrice Seaforth
Patrice Seaforth