Longevity Management

Andrew Gaches

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Andrew Gaches, Head of Longevity

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Supporting insurers and reinsurers in adapting and growing their longevity business

A confident understanding of longevity supports profitable product pricing, accurate reserving and efficient reinsurance. 

How we can help

Our team of longevity specialists assist insurers and reinsurers in adapting and growing their businesses in an ever-changing environment. We can help you effectively understand, model and hedge longevity risk, to meet regulatory expectations and support market entry.

Our specialists can support you with:

  • Developing, refining and independently validating your longevity capital model
  • Setting assumptions for longevity trends, including post-pandemic effects
  • Analysing pension scheme and annuity book transactions
  • Accessing Club Vita’s baseline longevity model and data; and
  • Assessing capital market solutions for longevity risk

…The Hymans Longevity Team… demonstrated excellent technical knowledge and were able to provide very informative insights… they clearly demonstrated good synergy within the team with everyone contributing and adding value.

Client case study

A global reinsurer recently wanted to enter the longevity-swap market and required an independent view on baseline longevity assumptions for target portfolios.

We applied our experience of analysing 200+ pension schemes to highlight unusual issues and features of the target portfolio and its longevity experience.

Our approach ensured our client successfully entered the market with confidence in new business pricing and capital allocation.

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