
Episode 79

Understanding Longevity - Longevity Inequality

16 Dec 2022


In this episode of Hymans Robertson On… Understanding Longevity, Ben Johnson and Hande Love are joined by two special guests to discuss longevity inequality.

We will be discussing collaboration between actuaries and researchers on longevity inequality. We are delighted to be joined by Dr Madhavi Bejakel - a Senior Research Fellow at University College London and Darryl Brundle, Head of Longevity Risk at Legal and General, to discuss why longevity inequality is an important issue. We also discuss how research has helped explain some of the contributing factors and the secrets of a successful collaboration between industry and academia.

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Notes and Resources

Lexicon of Longevity - a glossary of longevity related terminology

Darryl Brundle's LinkedIn

Madhavi Bajekal's LinkedIn

Key Topics
  • Introductions : (0m)
  • Why coronary heart disease mortality is falling faster in affluent groups than in deprived groups : (6m 33s)
  • Working across the academic vs. industry divide : (13m 7s)
  • The outlook for longevity inequality : (24m)
  • Top tips for a successful collaboration : (26m 14s)


Ben Johnson

by Ben Johnson
Head of International Longevity