Our latest modelling suggests that an effective corporate ‘endgame strategy’ can reduce best estimate cash costs by 30% compared to expected Fast Track requirements from the Pensions Regulator.

Using our four stage process 'the 4 Cs' , our team of experts help corporate sponsors of schemes to develop and deliver a focused strategy that allows them to successfully progress towards their specific long-term objective, whether that’s buy-out, self-sufficiency or a commercial consolidator.

For those scheme sponsors who have already developed an endgame strategy, we have produced materials and guidance  to help optimise that stategy, which can be accessed here.

This page has been designed as a toolkit for corporate sponsors, with a range of useful resources available including webinars, analysis and guides. If you'd like to speak to our team about developing your own strategy please get in contact via the meet the team links at the bottom of this page.


The 4 Cs process

Advanced endgame planning

Once you’ve developed your plans, what actions can you take to ‘optimise’ your endgame strategy and what should you be thinking about when it comes to the role of risk transfer solutions? Our resources below offer more insight into the steps you should consider.
