Press Releases

Hymans Robertson launches financial wellbeing service for employers 12 Oct 2023

Hymans Robertson LLP is launching a new financial wellbeing service for employers - Hymans Robertson Personal Wealth (HRPW). HRPW has been working successfully with over 20 large corporates over the past year and is now fully launching for business. It offers employers the ability to give their people a tailored programme of financial wellbeing services including wellbeing workshops, one-to-one guidance consultations, financial coaching and financial planning.

DB pension funds selling off illiquid assets 11 Oct 2023

Commenting on reports that DB pension funds are selling off illiquid assets, Elaine Torry, Partner & Co-Head of Trustee DB Investment, Hymans Robertson, said:

“In light of the improvement in funding positions over the last 12-18 months, trustees and sponsors of UK DB pension funds are unsurprisingly revisiting their schemes’ investment strategy and considering whether the balance of risk and return remains appropriate for achieving their long-term target within the timescales required. For many this has led to, among other things, the decision to sell some or all of their illiquid assets...

Going exclusive can be a powerful move for schemes in risk transfer market 05 Oct 2023

Running an exclusive process when approaching the insurance market for a buy-in or buy-out can be a powerful move for schemes, says Hymans Robertson in a new guide published today Exclusive broking processes – when less is more. Possible benefits for schemes choosing to ‘go exclusive’ include a more nimble process than a traditional bulk annuity auction and generating engagement with insurers better suited to meet the scheme’s objectives. The leading pensions and financial services consultancy’s analysis shows that up to 30% of the buy-in and buy-out market in 2022 was made up of exclusive transactions.

DB schemes’ sustainability reporting will be ineffective without integrated approach 04 Oct 2023

DB schemes will lack the information they’ll need to understand how nature and climate related risks affect them without an integrated approach to sustainability reporting, warns Hymans Robertson, as it launches its briefing note on Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures. Delivering real-world change will rely on pension schemes and other institutional investors taking a holistic approach to sustainability disclosures, given that the climate and biodiversity crises are interrelated, says the leading pensions and financial services consultancy. The briefing note aims help DB schemes understand how the TNFD framework works and the key actions asset owners should take now to ensure successful TNFD reporting.

Corporate sole trusteeship grew 12% in the last year as DB schemes seek out a diverse mix of skills 04 Oct 2023

Corporate sole trusteeship of DB schemes has grown by 12% in the year to March 2023, reveals analysis from Hymans Robertson’s annual report on the sector: The future of corporate sole trusteeship. The report explains that the reasons for the continued growth include cost, a decline in member-nominated trustees and a reduction in company management time. Also at play is the search for efficient governance and decision-making, and increasing professionalism of trustee boards, as well as changes in risk profile or scheme funding progress. However, it warns that issues recruiting trustees with the right backgrounds and the demands of highly efficient service delivery could challenge the sole trusteeship model.

Employers could increase future member benefits by 15% through reviewing DC pension arrangements 03 Oct 2023

Employers could increase the value that DC pensions members are gaining from their schemes by simply reviewing the arrangement with their pension provider, according to analysis from Hymans Robertson. Its analysis has shown that a review by employers could increase member pots at retirement in the future by as much as 15%. Pensions are a key core benefit to employee retainment, yet with the current high inflationary environment it is becoming difficult to increase pension contribution spend. So it’s important for employers to take a look at their DC pension arrangements to ensure they are getting maximum value for scheme members. The leading financial services and pensions consultancy says that now is an ideal time for that review, in an era where providers are looking to retain and win work.

Andrews Sykes Group Pension Scheme completes £30m buy-in with Canada Life 02 Oct 2023

The Andrews Sykes Group Pension Scheme has insured the benefits of its defined benefit pension scheme with Canada Life in a transaction of £30m, following a competitive tender process. This is the third deferred member transaction that Canada Life has completed.

The transaction secures the benefits of around 440 members, including over 160 deferred members.

Hymans Robertson was the lead transaction adviser, with legal advice provided to the Scheme by Neon Legal.

Solvency II consultation 28 Sep 2023

Commenting on the Solvency II consultation published by the PRA today, Michael Abramson, Partner and Risk Transfer Specialist, Hymans Robertson, said:

"The Government has previously made much of Solvency UK giving more flexibility to invest in long-term productive assets like infrastructure. Today’s PRA consultation puts meat on the bones of this flexibility, although insurers may feel that the meat is rather lean...

Announcement in loving memory of Patrick Bloomfield 21 Sep 2023

We are desperately sad to announce the unexpected death of our beloved colleague, Equity Member and Senior Actuary, Patrick Bloomfield.

Hymans Robertson warns against a single approach to pooling 20 Sep 2023

Ahead of the Local Government Pension Scheme (England and Wales): Next steps on investments consultation closing, Hymans Robertson warns that the consultation’s implication that there’s a single approach to pooling represents a risk to funds. In reality, funds can currently access a variety of approaches. These provide a range of benefits in areas such as governance and value for money. The leading pensions and financial services consultancy argued that if a single approach is taken, it could lead funds to experience a number of issues around risk, performance and the inability to address their individual needs.

Busiest ever start to the year for the buy-in market 20 Sep 2023

Buy-in and buy-out volumes in the first half of 2023 reached an all-time high, with the value of transactions secured being the second highest ever recorded for a six month period, says Hymans Robertson. The leading pensions and financial services consultancy has analysed results from all eight insurers* currently active in the market.

Automatic enrolment extension bill 19 Sep 2023

Commenting on the Pensions (Extension of Automatic Enrolment) Act 2023, Hannah English, Head of DC Corporate Consulting, Hymans Robertson, said:

"The cross-party consensus for extending automatic enrolment is very heartening. With increasing numbers of individuals now being encouraged through AE to contribute to a pension, it will mean that more people are beginning to save for their retirement from a younger age and increase their chances of better financial outcomes. The removal of the lower earnings limit would also bring significantly more people into AE...

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Rowena Swatton
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Patrice Seaforth