Press Releases

Social Care Green Paper must provide forward-looking policies 08 Mar 2017

Allowing individuals to make tax free withdrawals from pension pots to pay for care have been mooted – but the average pot size today is £27k, and the average cost of residential care even without nursing is £30k per annum. At current savings levels there is little hope of pensions filling the gap in paying for social care.

Different ways to pay for care 08 Mar 2017

Will individuals engage with the fact that they might need care, and will they see it as their responsibility or indeed a necessity to cover those costs themselves when the Government provides a backstop for those who can’t afford it?”

Pension pots are not enough to fund long term care 08 Mar 2017

Today the average DC pot size is £27k*. To put this in context it costs £30k per annum for care without nursing rising to £40k per annum with nursing

Clarity on state provision for social care urgently needed 08 Mar 2017

Today the average DC pot size is £27k. To put this in context it costs £30k per annum for care without nursing rising to £40k per annum with nursing

Response to Defined Benefit (DB) superfund proposal 07 Mar 2017

The PLSA taskforce’s thinking is out of step with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP’s) Green Paper on the sustainability of DB pensions issued just two weeks ago. 

Pensions annual allowance taper confusing employers 07 Mar 2017

Chris Noon, Head of Workplace Savings, comments on the complex area of the annual allowance taper, and the approach taken by Government

Asset Management Market Study 27 Feb 2017

We challenged some of the views set out by the FCA in response to its Asset Management Market Study consultation. In particular it emphasised there is more competition in the investment consulting market than the FCA study suggests. It also raised concerns about strategy advice coming into the regulatory regime for fund managers when the high professional standards of scheme actuaries, which most players in the investment consultancy industry abide by, is more appropriate.

DWP DB Green Paper Response - Security and Sustainability in Defined Benefit Pension Schemes 20 Feb 2017

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP’s) Green Paper, released today, raises the prospect of measures being introduced to encourage sponsors with significant resources but substantial deficits in their schemes, to make faster progress in repairing those deficits. Our Head of Corporate Consulting, Jon Hatchett  and Calum Cooper, Head of Trustee responds to the findings.

A ‘Hard’ Brexit could increase State Pension Age by 18 months for workers under 40 13 Feb 2017

If a ‘hard’ Brexit leads to a drop in migration, this could put pressure on the State Pension Age (SPA) to increase by 18 months for workers under the age of 40, finds research our reserach.

Consultation on indexation and equalisation of GMP in public service pension schemes 08 Feb 2017

None of the solutions for equalising and indexing GMPs proposed by the Government in this consultation are without drawbacks. 

Land Securities Group of Companies completes £110m buy-in with Just 08 Feb 2017

The FTSE 100 sponsored Pension and Assurance Scheme of the Land Securities Group of Companies has completed a £110m buy-in with specialist insurer Just. Hymans Robertson were the lead adviser to the Trustees, with Sackers providing advice on legal aspects. 

Deficits distract 99% of trustees from focussing on paying members’ pensions 06 Feb 2017

Survey highlights lack of strategic leadership as the real pension deficit.

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Rowena Swatton
Rowena Swatton
Stephanie Stern
Stephanie Stern
Patrice Seaforth
Patrice Seaforth