Press Releases

Comment on the Government’s consultation into the administration of pensions tax 21 Jul 2020

“It is really good to see that the Government is finally getting around to keeping its manifesto promise of looking at the issue of differential tax-relief treatment between Relief-at-Source and Net Pay schemes and the impact this has on the lower paid."

New interactive TPR ‘Fast Track Test’ tool launched by Hymans Robertson 17 Jul 2020

A free, interactive ‘Fast Track Test’ tool to help schemes quickly identify whether their current strategy is more suited to the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) ‘Fast Track’ or ‘Bespoke’ route has been launched by Hymans Robertson. This early warning will help schemes navigate the upcoming regulatory change and decide on potential areas for improvement.

Public service pension schemes consultation: changes to the transitional arrangements to the 2015 schemes 17 Jul 2020

“We welcome today’s Public Sector Pension Scheme Consultation, and look forward to the LGPS-specific consultation expected to be issued very soon. Assuming the LGPS is treated in a similar way to the other schemes, we expect the proposed remedy to extend the ‘transitional protections’ underpin to all active members in the scheme as at 1 April 2012, regardless of age."

GMP Equalisation Working Group Guidance on Data of 14 July 2020 15 Jul 2020

The industry will welcome this guidance which provides another piece of the GMP equalisation puzzle. As with previous industry guidance, choosing the right approach for data will depend on scheme specific circumstances rather than there being a recommended approach for all.

Shireen Anisuddin announced as new Managing Partner at Hymans Robertson 14 Jul 2020

Hymans Robertson, the pensions and financial services consultancy, has announced that Shireen Anisuddin, has taken on the role of Managing Partner from James Entwisle.

Three quarters of investment managers support an industry standard statement of voting principles - greater spotlight on RI expected post Covid-19 01 Jul 2020

Over three quarters (77%) of investment managers support the adoption of an industry standard ‘statement of voting principles’ according to Hymans Robertson in its latest Responsible Investment Stewardship Survey.

Scrapping triple lock would lead to pensioner poverty warns Hymans Robertson 29 Jun 2020

"It’s difficult to see how this 2.5 per cent change has substantially shifted the position of pensioner poverty when the threshold for this is 60 per cent of median household income."

FCA’s launch of its Driving Value for Money in pensions consultation 24 Jun 2020

Commenting on FCA’s launch of Its Driving Value for Money in pensions consultation, Laura Andrikopoulos, Head of Governance Consulting, Hymans Robertson, says:

Big surge in DC schemes moving to Master Trust expected as lockdown eases 19 Jun 2020

A big rush by employers to move their DC occupational trust pension schemes to Master Trusts is expected as the UK begins to ease lockdown and employees return to work post-furlough, according to Hymans Robertson.

Hymans Robertson comments: TPR’s updated Covid-19 guidance 18 Jun 2020

Many companies will welcome today’s guidance from the Regulator announcing the continued flexibility to suspend pension contributions.  Although the immediate crisis is starting to pass and lockdown is beginning to be relaxed, recovery is unlikely to happen quickly.

TPR’s new interim regime for the emerging superfund pension market - Hymans Robertson comments 18 Jun 2020

Commenting on TPR’s new interim regime for emerging superfund pension market, Alistair Russell-Smith, Head of Corporate DB, Hymans Robertson, says:

Three quarters of charities face extra financial strain from pension deficits 09 Jun 2020

Increased pension deficits are putting additional financial strain on many charities already financially struggling in the midst of COVID-19, claims Hymans Robertson.

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Rowena Swatton
Rowena Swatton
Stephanie Stern
Stephanie Stern
Patrice Seaforth
Patrice Seaforth