Press Releases

High inflation failing to ease LDI liquidity concerns for DB Trustees 05 May 2022

Current high levels of inflation are causing strain on LDI collateral pools as a result of rising gilt yields, and DB Schemes must take action, Hymans Robertson warns. The leading pensions and financial services consultancy says that DB Trustees must do much more to stress test their pool especially as further interest rate rises remain likely over the remainder of this year. Trustees must ensure there is an acceptable level of resilience in place.

Comment on the impact on DB Schemes of the anticipated increase in Bank of England’s base rate 03 May 2022

Commenting on the impact on DB Schemes of the anticipated increase in Bank of England’s base rate this week, Elaine Torry, Co-Head of DB Investment says:

“For defined benefit pension schemes the impact of any short term interest rate is unlikely to move the funding dial. However, the rise in gilt yields which are happening concurrently cannot be ignored by these schemes."

Annual Funding Statement 2022 27 Apr 2022

Commenting on TPR’s Annual Funding Statement 2021/22, Laura McLaren, Partner, Hymans Robertson says:

“Today’s Annual Funding Statement is unlikely to cause a major stir, given that TPR’s been trailing many of the key points for some time. Nevertheless, there are some useful prompts on how defined benefit schemes should be approaching 2022 valuations in the current landscape. Recent market performance means funding remains on track for many – and an increasing number of schemes will be approaching fully funded on a technical provisions basis – but events of the last few years are a reminder that things can, and do, change quickly. We’re therefore supportive of the overarching message to trustees and sponsors to focus on developing robust long-term plans and managing risks."

DB Schemes urged to act quickly to lock in recent funding gains 13 Apr 2022

With a significant downside risk in financial markets at present, DB Schemes should act quickly to lock in recent funding gains, according to the latest findings from Hymans Robertson, the leading pension and risk consultancy.

Shani McKenzie named as Head of Sole Trustee Services 07 Apr 2022

Hymans Robertson, the leading pensions and financial services consultancy, has appointed Shani McKenzie to Head of Sole Trustee Services. Recognising the increasing growth of sole trusteeship and the impact on service provision, Shani’s new role will see her lead the firm’s DB sole trustee services to its existing and future professional trustee clients.

Comment on HMRC’s April 2022 GMP Equalisation Newsletter 06 Apr 2022

Commenting on HMRC’s April 2022 GMP Equalisation Newsletter, Matt Davis, Head of GMP Equalisation at Hymans Robertson said:

“The industry will welcome the guidance from HMRC in today’s GMP equalisation newsletter for April 2022. This provides tax guidance for schemes looking at making transfer top-up payments and those investigating GMP conversion. The guidance gives more clarity to many pension schemes as they work through GMP equalisation projects."

DC infrastructure investments to be worth more than £100bn by the end of this decade 06 Apr 2022

More than £250bn of DC pension scheme assets could be potentially used for illiquid investment, with more than £100bn specifically for infrastructure investment, by 2030, according to analysis from Hymans Robertson. Its Illiquid Investment Embracing the Opportunities paper published today, finds that both the pandemic and the government’s levelling up agenda have reiterated the role of resilient supply chains and the need for material investment in infrastructure. Combined with the desire to support Net Zero goals, infrastructure investment presents an enormous opportunity for DC schemes.

Comment on DWP consultation “Facilitating investment in illiquid assets by defined contribution pension schemes” 30 Mar 2022

Commenting on the DWP consultation “Facilitating investment in illiquid assets by defined contribution pension schemes”, Callum Stewart, Head of DC Investment, says:

“It is good to see the DWPs continued commitment to facilitating investment in illiquid assets with the publication of its consultation today. Investing in illiquid assets provides strong opportunities to improve financial outcomes for DC savers as well as have an impact on the world around us. It is a golden opportunity to create benefits for DC savers, and engage them more positively in how their pension is invested, while at the same time having an impact on the world around them...

DWP announcement on CDC: Hymans Robertson comments 29 Mar 2022

Comments in response to the DWP announcement regarding a consultation around new types of collective defined contribution (CDC) schemes

Spring Statement 2022: Hymans Robertson comments 23 Mar 2022

Comments on Government confirmation of commitment to triple lock and the announcement surrounding illiquid assets.

High inflation could set DB endgame strategies off track 23 Mar 2022

Current high levels of inflation could knock DB Pension Schemes’ endgame strategies off track unless Trustees and sponsoring employers ensure they understand the impact of inflation on their portfolios and the funding implications this may have, Hymans Robertson, the leading employee benefit consultancy, has warned.

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Rowena Swatton
Rowena Swatton
Stephanie Stern
Stephanie Stern
Patrice Seaforth
Patrice Seaforth