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The impact of TPR's 2021 Annual Funding Statement - Hymans Robertson


Webinar replay

The impact of TPR's 2021 Annual Funding Statement

09 Jun 2021


The Pensions Regulator (TPR) recently published its 2021 Annual Funding Statement.

This year, the themes are largely in line with recent guidance published by the Regulator, reinforcing the message that focus should remain on long-term planning and risk management. However, with the fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic likely to continue for some time, it's no surprise that sponsor covenant and affordability have been given particular precedence. 

Replay our webinar to hear our experts:

  • provide an overview of this year's Statement;
  • discuss what this means for you from a trustee and sponsor perspective; and
  • share best practice case studies on how to approach your 2021 valuation. 

Guest speakers 

Alongside our experts, we were delighted to be joined by:

  • Fiona Etheridge, Pensions Actuary at The Pensions Regulator 
  • David Walmsley, Chartered Accountant and Covenant Specialist at The Pensions Regulator
  • Kevin Wesbroom, Professional Trustee at Capital Cranfield
Key Topics
  • Key messages from this year’s Statement : (03:17)
  • Panel discussion on what this means for trustees and sponsors : (21:00)


Laura McLaren

by Laura McLaren
Partner & Head of DB Actuarial Consulting

Elaine Torry

by Elaine Torry
Co-Head of Trustee DB Investment