

Factoring nature into your investment strategy: why, how and what next?

30 May 2024


Investors are increasingly aware of the risks presented by environmental issues, including potential tipping points related to nature loss. But what are natural assets, and why should investing in natural capital and protecting biodiversity be considered alongside your climate risk strategy?

Our webinar is available to watch on-demand. Iain Campbell was joined by Andre Ranchin and Christina Williams to help you understand:

  • Natural capital and biodiversity
  • The key nature-related risks and opportunities for investors
  • Key actions to take in terms of manager engagement, risk monitoring and investment strategy

Don't worry if you were unable to join live, sign up and you'll be able to access the webinar on-demand.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Or in the meantime take a look at our nature hub.

This webinar will be relevant for all asset owners, particularly those responsible for the running of private and public sector pension schemes. Prior knowledge or understanding in relation to nature, natural capital or biodiversity is not required.

NOT ADVICE. The information made available in this webinar is for general information purposes only. It is not to be relied on for taking (or not taking) any action or decision. It is not a substitute for professional advice (including for legal, investment or tax advice) on specific circumstances. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss any issue in greater detail.

Key Topics
  • Natural capital and biodiversity
  • The key nature-related risks and opportunities for investors
  • Key actions to take in terms of manager engagement
  • Key actions to take in terms of risk monitoring
  • Key actions to take in terms of investment strategy


Andre  Ranchin

by Andre Ranchin
Investment Consultant, Biodiversity Lead

Iain Campbell

by Iain Campbell
Head of LGPS Investment

Christina Williams

by Christina Williams
Senior Investment Consultant