
Journey to Net Zero: Build your knowledge - education and metrics

05 Sep 2024

The journey to net zero starts with education, to solidify decision-makers’ knowledge and understanding of climate risks. It’s important to understand the fundamentals of net zero and how your investment strategy can align with the low-carbon transition.

Education and training on climate risk, net zero and the options available to support your scheme’s net zero alignment should be ongoing throughout the process towards developing and maintaining a Climate Transition Action Plan (CTAP).

It's also essential to build knowledge on topics that interconnect with net zero to help enable a holistic approach when building a credible net zero investment strategy and to support positive actions.

In this article, our experts: 

  • Share key topics that should be understood by investors
  • Explore understanding your baseline and the path to net zero
  • Provide a case study on developing a Net Zero Strategy and CTAP


If you have any questions, or would like to discuss anything further, please get in touch.

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