

Impact of climate litigation on the general insurance industry

12 Jun 2024


In our first episode of Talking Insurance, we are delighted to be joined by Suzanne Padmore from Burges Salmon to discuss the growing trend of climate litigation and its potential impact on the general insurance industry.

If you would like to discuss any of the issues or topics raised in this podcast, please do get in touch.


This podcast has been prepared by Hymans Robertson LLP, and is based upon our understanding of events as at the date of issue. It is designed to be a general summary of topical matters and is not specific to the circumstances of any particular employer or pension scheme. The information contained in this podcast should not be construed as advice and not be considered as a substitute for specific advice as the information is generic in nature. Where a podcast refers to legal matters please note that Hymans Robertson is not qualified to provide legal opinion and therefore you may wish to obtain independent legal advice to consider any relevant law and/or regulation. Hymans Robertson LLP accepts no liability for errors or omissions. Your Hymans Robertson LLP consultant will be pleased to discuss matters raised in this podcast in greater detail. 

Hymans Robertson LLP is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and Licensed by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries for a range of investment business activities.

Key Topics
  • What is climate change litigation?
  • Recent trends in climate litigation.
  • Examples of recent claims.
  • What can insurers do to monitor changes in climate litigation.


Siddhant Chopra

by Siddhant Chopra

Suzanne Padmore

by Suzanne Padmore
Burges Salmon