

Setting a funding strategy at the 2023 valuation: Our recipe for success

16 Jun 2023

The 2023 valuation is a time to review funding strategies and make any necessary changes to keep plans on track. In this summary we share our recipe for successful funding strategy decisions.

There are four key ingredients to setting strategy at the 2023 valuation:

  1. Understand employers’ expectations
  2. Establish clear long-term objectives
  3. Take a transparent approach to setting and communicating strategy
  4. Do all of this within a robust decision-making framework

Combining these with the Funding Strategy Statement and a high-quality consultation with participating employers, you will be well on the way to having a successful valuation year.

Download our summary to read more. 

Our team are looking forward to helping funds with their funding strategy over the coming months. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact your usual Hymans Robertson contact or get in touch here

Setting a funding strategy at the 2023 valuation: My recipe for success


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