
Effective stewardship: Getting the most from your asset managers

05 Jul 2022

Our guide to working with asset managers and fulfilling your stewardship responsibilities

Many asset owners have spent time considering and updating their stewardship policies in recent years as the focus on responsible investment has grown. Requirements are now in force for trust-based arrangements to report on how these policies have been implemented, via Implementation Statements and other forms of stewardship reporting.

In this guide, we provide practical tips to help you really engage with your asset managers and fulfil your stewardship responsibilities. The guide is split into two sections to support your ongoing governance:

  • How effective engagement with asset managers can work in practice
  • A case study: Holding an asset manager to account

Download our guide

Action for asset owners

You will need to engage with your asset manager to address your stewardship responsibilities effectively. Engagement does not need to be an onerous process.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss further, please get in touch with Simon Jones or Olivia Mooney.

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